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20 reasons Access Bars technique is a great choice

20 reasons access bars technique are a great choice

Access Bars technique - the energetic hands-on treatment that allows the body and your life to change. 

You have 37 trillion cells in your body that are living and breathing; your mind corrupts your body and defines and creates ill health and all your burdens.

The bars are a hands‐on Access Consciousness process that involves a light touch upon the head to contact points that correspond to different aspects of one's life. There are points for joy, sadness, body and sexuality, awareness, kindness, gratitude, peace and calm. There is even a money bar. These points are called bars because they run from one side of the head to the other.

When you get your Bars run during an Access Bars session, you begin to clear your mind of points of view, let go of limitations and emotions and relax into being more of you.

You may become more enthusiastic about your life, your physical and mental health improves, your money flows improve, you are more conscious of your choices, and things change.

Here are 20 reasons why, in my opinion, the Access Bars technique is a great choice;

  1. You have more ease and a sense of relaxation in your mind and body
  2. Your receiving changes, you are more aware of possibilities
  3. You're less reactive to other people and situations and have more allowance
  4. You have more clarity with life choices
  5. Your past doesn't affect you in the same way
  6. You have a set of questions and processes that you can use to change anything
  7. Your ageing process slows down.
  8. Your energy is different, and people notice it
  9. You become more aware of everything
  10. You stop functioning from decisions, judgements and conclusions that keep you stuck
  11. You feel happier and more enthusiastic about life.
  12. You get free of your limiting beliefs, thoughts, feelings and emotions
  13. You get unstuck, and your creative capacities start flowing
  14. You have a sense of feeling connected
  15. You get out of autopilot, and past references start to that dissipate
  16. Your stress responder systems that cause PTSD change
  17. You attract different people, and relationships change
  18. You get a sense of peace and calm, and your home is quieter with children
  19. Your money flows change, and you're more generative
  20. Your sense of purpose changes, and you start having more fun

What are the Access Bars?

The Access Bars technique is from Access Consciousness® with more than 25 thousand practitioners worldwide. People of all ages, backgrounds and lifestyles are using Access Bars® to create a more conscious living where being happy and healthy is a choice for them.

Most of us seek more ease where we are more generative and have fun creating, whether in business or relationships. The Access Bars therapy begins working the consciousness muscle and being more present. 

Each time you receive the Access Bars technique, it helps to empower you to get out of your comfort zone, out of all the areas where you are stuck. You change the probabilities of future possibilities, you get happy, you start to receive numerous health benefits, and the world changes.

You can learn the Access Bars® technique in a one-day certified practitioner class or find a practitioner near you and get your Bars run.


Scientific research by Dr Terrie Hope PhD, DNM, CFMW published in the Journal of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment in November 2017 has revealed the results of one 90-minute Access Bars® session indicated a significant decrease in the severity of depression and anxiety.

From the results of four scientifically valid standardized questionnaires and through measuring brainwave patterns using brain mapping (QEEG), Dr Hope discovered in her study that Access Bars® reduced the severity of anxiety symptoms by 84.7% (average). Participants had a reduction in the severity of depression symptoms by 82.7% (average).

The results of brainwave measurements before and after Access Bars® showed an increase in brain coherence in all participants, indicating a change toward a normal state after the session.

Brain wave coherence is associated with communication between brain regions and researchers have found that optimal brain coherence is correlated with many things such as intelligence, learning ability, alertness, reaction time and creativity.

The significant decreases in severity shown in this research suggest that Access Bars®may be effective as a treatment for anxiety and depression. Dr Hope is planning on more extensive research in the near future.

For more information on this research and the full-­‐published article in the Journal of Energy P sychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 9(2), 26–38. November 2017 -go HERE:

Whether you are looking to change something in your life or would like to help others Access Bars is a great choice. It is highly effective, easy to do, and fun to learn.

What else is possible with the Access Bars?

Find out more about the Bars.

Learn in one-day

Get your Bars run

life coachng

Jayne Micallef, Access Consciousness CFMW & Life-Changing Coach

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